F60 Celtic Music Festival

8. Juni 2024

F60-Lichterfeld Foerderverein, © Dietmar Seidel
F60-Lichterfeld Sonnenuntergang, © Dietmar Seidel
F60-Lichterfeld Details, © Die Piktografen
F60-Lichterfeld Details, © Die Piktografen

Förderverein Besucherbergwerk F60 e.V.

On March 29, 2001, 45 friends and sponsors of the F60, coming from Lichterfeld-Schacksdorf and the sorrounding area, founded the Friends’ association „Visitor mine F60 e.V.“

The association was supposed to prepare the F60 for its use as a visitor mine with open-air museum and realise cultural ans touristic projects.

The then Business Secretary of Brandenburg, Dr. Wolfgang Fürniß, became its honorary chairman. The honorary board also include Walter Kroker (former district administrator of the Elbe Elster district), Holgar Bartsch (district administrator of the Oberspree-Lausitz district), Rainer Karger (CEO of MAN/Takraf), Prof. Dr. Rolf Kuhn (Managing director of the IBA „Fürst-Pückler-Land“), Walter Karge (LMBV) and Gottfried Richter (office director of the office Kleine Elster). The landscape architect Elke Löwe is honoraray member of the association. The daily business of the is done by the voluntary executive board of the association.

The first board after the foundation included: Ditmar Gurk (1st chairman), Andreas Drangosch ( 2nd Chairman), Olaf Umbreit (3rd chairman), Andreas Russig (treasurer) and André Speri (recorder).

Current board: Ditmar Gurk (1st chairman), Andreas Drangosch (2nd chairman), Bernd Graf (3rd chairman), Andreas Russig (treasurer) and Anita Richter (recorder).

You can find the objectives of the association in its constitution (download here).

You want to become a member of our friends’ association „Visitor mine F60 e.V.“? Here you can find the application form.

Download Satzung [ 93,19 KB ]
Download Aufnahmeantrag [ 72,27 KB ]
Download Organigramm [ 123,58 KB ]

Opening hours

Winter season
Wednesday to Sunday
11:00 am - 04:00 pm

Mon - Tue day off.
Special opening times on request.

Opening hours page


Besucherbergwerk F60
Bergheider Straße 4
03238 Lichterfeld
T +49 3531 60800
F +49 3531 608012

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