F60 Celtic Music Festival

8. Juni 2024

F60 Klassenticket Elbe-Elster, © Die Piktografen
F60-Lichterfeld Führungen, © Die Piktografen
F60-Lichterfeld, © Die Piktografen
F60 Klassenticket Elbe-Elster, © Die Piktografen

F60 Class Ticket Elbe-Elster

Our offer for school classes, hiking days and school trips

For schools in the district Elbe-Elster, sponsored by Sparkasse Elbe-Elster foundation „Zukunft Elbe-Elster-Land“

We established a programme like this to inform school classes about brown coal, opencast mining and the local history in an entertaining, exciting and descriptive way, appropriate for children. You can choose between or combine our special F60-tour for children and an exciting video-presentation. A warm lunch is included. Children who listen carefully to the explanations of our guides can test their knowledge in a small quiz after the tour and win a small price. School classes can use our large open-air area for games and other activities. Feel free to bring your own games.

Download programm [ PDF, 150 KB ]
Download prices [ PDF, 166 KB ]
Download order form [ PDF, 108 KB ]

Opening hours

Winter season
Wednesday to Sunday
11:00 am - 04:00 pm

Mon - Tue day off.
Special opening times on request.

Opening hours page

Sparkassen Stiftung
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